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John Edward Harter Nursing Center

The facility is staffed with licensed nurses 24 hour per day and all residents are under the care of a physician medical director. Residents have access to numerous recreational and rehabilitative activities led by a staff of certified nursing assistants, activities professionals and numerous volunteers and community groups. Social Services personnel attend to the residents social and welfare needs.
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Job Posting

General Application - Allendale County Hospital
Allendale County Hospital is currently looking for professional healthcare employees. If you do not see a current job opening in our present online listings, we still encourage you to apply using the online application. If your qualifications meet any of our current needs, we will contact you.

We are currently accepting applications for positions we will need filled in the future. We keep applications acitve for six months from the submission date.

Contact Information
Kristie Hutson - Human Resources
Phone: 803-632-3311 Ext. 225

Click Here to fill out our official online application.