John Edward Harter Nursing Center
185 Revolutionary Trail, Fairfax, SC 29827
The John Edward Harter Nursing Center is owned by Allendale County and operates under the auspices of Allendale County Hospital. The nursing center is named in memory of Mr. John Harter, who served as Chairman of the Board of Trustees for more than 20 years.
The nursing center was opened in November 1967 as 28-bed facility. It is situated on the main campus of the hospital on land deeded to the county by Ms. Maroma Dyches. The nursing center has expanded to 44 beds and provides long term care for both skilled and intermediate level residents. The facility was refurbished in 2008 and 2009 with numerous upgrades and improvements.
The facility is staffed with licensed nurses 24 hour per day and all residents are under the care of a physician medical director. Residents have access to numerous recreational and rehabilitative activities led by a staff of certified nursing assistants, activities professionals and numerous volunteers and community groups. Social Services personnel attend to the residents social and welfare needs.
The nursing center is licensed by the state and meets all federal and state regulations and guidelines for certification.