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John Edward Harter Nursing Center

The facility is staffed with licensed nurses 24 hour per day and all residents are under the care of a physician medical director. Residents have access to numerous recreational and rehabilitative activities led by a staff of certified nursing assistants, activities professionals and numerous volunteers and community groups. Social Services personnel attend to the residents social and welfare needs.

Physician Offices

Laffitte & Warren Medical Center

623 North Memorial Avenue
Allendale, SC 29810

Office Hours: 8AM - 5PM (Monday-Friday)

Phillip Jansen, DO
Allison Stanley, APRN
Taylor Young, DNP, FNP

Carolina Medical Associates

1787 Allendale Fairfax Highway
Fairfax, SC 29827

Office Hours: 8AM - 5PM (Monday-Friday)

Kelly Frazier, APRN